Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 3 of 100/100 challenge

Day 3 (100 workouts in a 100 days)

Today was the Town of Edson Resolution run, and I chose to do the 5 km. There is a lot of snow out there (one person ran in snowshoes) so it was a challenge! I thought I would be sore from skiing but I felt great during my run, although my lungs are sore after, I think that is more due to my cold than the run.

Of course we had an epic snow fall just as we were starting, but it cleared up halfway through.

I am surprised there was not more runners we had about 25, maybe the weather and time of day were factors. One day I am going to post a video of how excited my dog gets before a run, I find it hilarious and motivating. Even the heavy snowfall had no effect on his enthusiasm, although it made me pause.

This was my first run "event" of the new year. My time was slower than normal but the weather and terrain were major factors, as was the lack of running prep, but I was very happy with my run, I felt better than I thought I would and there were moments of pure "joy". I'm glad the Town of Edson had this event, as I don't think I would have gone out on my own :)

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