Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 6 100/100

Day 6 100/100

Today was a large day!

Showed up for boot camp @ noon, mostly because I missed aquasize @ 9:00. I thought maybe resort style boot camp might be scaled down due to the "older" resort types, sadly my South Carolina hopes were dashed. We did a program called "66"
Lucky me I was the only participant.
We started in a cycle of jumping jacks, squats, crunches and push-ups. We started be doing 66 of each, only 6 push-ups (thank god). It got slightly easier the next round which was a torturous session of 55 each. Good news! Now only 44 each, you are getting the gist of the time we past 33 and got to 22 it was actually easier, by this time I had developed a split personality and had my mind somewhere else. Another exciting thing happened! Some of the resort residence started gathering in little groups watching. There was an elderly group of geriatrics behind me while I was squatting. Such a comforting feeling. I was acutely aware of bladder discomfort during my last set of crunches.

I figures it out mathematically I did 231 of each.

I also went on a beautiful beach walk and ended the day "shag" dancing.

Well deserved wine and cheese has ended this beautiful and full-filling South Carolina day :)

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